Saturday, July 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast: The Difference Between the United States and Chi

According to Chinese bureau of statistics, some 70% of student who come to the United States from 1978 to 2010 stayed in The United States. The hard choice of whether stay in The United States or come back to China makes more and more Chinese people concentrate on a basic question: what is the difference between The United States and China. Although both The United States and China are world’s major economies, in terms of living and working, The United States has advantages over China in relationship between people, work relationship, and getting information. People in the United States show more trust to each other than people in China do. In the United States, returns of product can be made without receipt. However, in China, to return a product a receipt is required. Shop assistants want to make sure that consumers really bought product from their shop. They take it for granted that all consumers are not honest. According to Peter Hessler, a journalist of New Yorker magazine, after car accidents, American drivers will exchange telephone number for further negotiation. . Chinese driver naturally assume that people will not answer the phone call that calls them to pay money. Instead of telephone numbers, most of the times, drivers exchange cash to resolve the car accident. Chinese driver naturally assume that people will not answer the phone call that calls them to pay money. The difference between windows between the United States and China also indicates the â€Å"trust† difference. Generally, people in the United States live in house with no guard bars fixed inside or outside windows. In contrast, most of Chinese people who live on the first or second floor block windows with guard bars inside or outside the window in case ... ...ticles/2008/12/25/1229998632678.html [Accessed 12 August 2011]. Jiao Guobiao, 2004. Censorship in China. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 August 2011]. BBC News, 2002. Bush’s â€Å"evil† comment stirs critics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 August 2011]. Macworld, 2011. Reports: Foxconn to close Apple iPhone factories in China: Apple device manufacturer ends suicide payments. [online]Available at: [Accessed 2 August 2011] Kuhn, R. (2010) How China’s Leaders Think. Singapore: Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd.. Hessler, P. (2010) Country Driving: A Journey Through China from Farm to Factory. Translated from English by Li Xueshun. Shanghai: Shanghai Yiwen Publishing

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